vocal voyagers


Sun. June 23 1-3 at Kirk's Grocery in Billings, MT
returning to my hometown for a special voyage!
details:  https://www.facebook.com/events/1544958899414254

Sat. Aug. 10 1:30-3 at Dance New England's Dance Camp, Tolland, MA
must register for camp - details here:  https://dne.org/dance-camp/

We gather to create spontaneously with our voices, using both free-form exploration and improvisational structures. What will it sound like? We won't know till we go - from ethereal to funky to undescribable! No experience necessary - just a willingness to listen and "play well with others."
Facilitated by Glenn Smith, who has led circles in CA, MA, and Costa Rica over the last 15 years. Glenn has also learned in-person from teachers such as Bobby McFerrin and Rhiannon. 
Vocal Voyagers have circled at Unifier Festival, Forestdance, Singing In Love, Dance New England Camp, Cantando La Vida (Singing Alive - Costa Rica), Massachusetts Mens Gathering, Burning Man, and many smaller venues.


"Great Fun. Glenn Smith is a masterful vocal improv leader. Welcoming safe space to explore, emote, and revel creatively ... If you love improv, singing, or just being present with what is happening right now in this moment, come try Vocal Voyagers - playful, supportive, healing and affirming. An innovative improvisation playful soul exploration, styled in the Bobby Mcferrin School of Circle Song.- Daniel Josh Arond, Amherst, MA

"I appreciate the circle you create- I am not sure how to express it but it feels safe to me in your circles and whenever you are around to sing my heart out - right - wrong - loud - soft whatever!!! You call that out in me and I thank you for that. There is a freedom in your style.” - Marna Cathleen, Eugene, OR

"This was the most fun I've had in years.  It was exhilarating, wild, refreshing.  Safe, loose, healing. Sacred and most important heart centered.  Glenn is a wonderful facilitator and a passionate musician.  I felt the medicine in our time together." - Jeffro Wyda, western MA

“I loved it, I didn’t know I could sing! Omg I absolutely loved it! I’ve been wanting to experiment and practice with my voice. To find out what’s in there and how to bring it out. I have been shy with my voice, and your gathering gave me the ability to give myself permission to release whatever is in there. I had such fun with it! I love creating my own Song, teaching the pieces of it, and then conducting the four groups of us. I’m so happy today just thinking about it, I’ve been thinking about it all morning long, and I’ve been practicing with my voice and song. Thank you so much Glenn! Another liberation for Jim!” - Jim Flavin, Concord, MA

"This is splendid fun and wonderful to sing in such a soul-filled way!" – Barbara Morningstar, San Luis Obispo, CA

“If you have never experienced a singing circle with Glenn Smith, it is a playful, soulful off the hook experience in community. SERIOUSLY-SERIOUS FUN!!!” - Wendy Marie, Fort Collins, CO

“Glenn did a great job in holding space for all of us! Lets do this more often! I left feeling so energized, joyful, grounded in my body.” - Bonnie Eskie, Chico, CA

"Glenn creates a beautiful space to allow others to open to their own creativity and the music that is always all around us all :-)" – Amanda West, Santa Cruz, CA

"Glenn Smith has a special gift, an art, a way of bringing beautiful harmonies out of people, getting the creativity to shake out of their bones and into the world through sound! He does this with song circles, vocal voyages that open up all, equally included to be their most creative and authentic selves through song, and the magic of sound creating a vocal community.  Some of my best nights in Santa Cruz were at Vocal Voyagers, Glenn artfully leading us into our best selves with his gentle guidance, soft voice and capable leadership.  I recommend anyone interested to take this opportunity to voyage vocally with Glenn. It delights and brings beauty to our world, creating a sound unique to a group of wonderful people, a magic never to be heard again" - Philip Mirkin, San Miguel de Allende, Mexico 

“Really loved this workshop - I've been a couple times now & it's magic each time” Jon Holland, Gloucester, MA

“I had such an amazing good time, and I felt so energized afterward. It didn't take much effort to get this group to sync up and let go. It left feeling grateful for so much healing. Yes! Thank you, Glenn!” - Christo Purdin, Santa Cruz, CA

"Thank you for facilitating a wonderful, expansive delightful session!" - Maureen Root, Boston, MA

"Glenn is a gentle and natural facilitator.  Trying singing with Glenn is awesome, especially if you've ever been afraid of it before.  Enjoy!"  - Lani Nahele, Florence, MA

"Felt really good to sing, soung, shake and move together. I had a moment in our closing song of feeling how my voice just wanted to serve the greater song. It wasn't a "trying" or a "should". It just happened naturally. Once I got there, I could have sung for a long time." - Sarah Carr, Easthampton, MA

"Glenn's guidance was simple, fun and inspiring - i really got to sing with my heart!" - Christine Cole, world traveler

What will YOU say? Come take the voyage!

Some samples of Vocal Voyagers sessions

RADIO INTERVIEW with Glenn Smith about Vocal Voyagers



Vocal Voyagers Group Improvisations

Vocal Voyagers

A collection of live recordings of Vocal Voyagers singing circles - improvisational circles facilitated by Glenn Smith. Glenn has been facilitating Vocal Voyagers since 2006, and has studied with Bobby McFerrin, Rhiannon, and others.

More info on Vocal Voyagers at www.soundseeds.com/vocal-voyagers

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